RMBS Royal Street 2

Please note that the Notes issued by Royal Street 2 (compartment RS-2) have been redeemed on Friday December 15th, 2017. Given the redemption of all the Notes, the information below will not be updated anymore.

Royal Street 2

ROYAL STREET NV/SA, acting for its Compartment RS-2 (the Issuer) has purchased a portfolio of Belgian prime residential mortgage loans from AXA Bank Europe NV/SA. RS-2 has financed the purchase through the issuance of a series of rated senior notes, and unrated Junior notes. Further information can be found in the Prospectus. 

Senior Class A Junior Class B
Principal amount at closing 1,500,000,000 EUR 300,000,000 EUR
Interest Rate 3m Euribor + 125bp 3m Euribor + 250bp
Interest accrual Act/360 Act/360
Fitch rating AAAsf -
Moody’s Rating Aaa(sf) -
Listing Euronext Brussels -
Closing Date 5th November 2010 5th November 2010
Average Life (*) 5 years 5 years
Final Redemption Date 5th November 2049 5th November 2049

(*) Weighted average life refers to the average number of years that each euro amount of principal of the Notes will remain outstanding (Weighted Average Life) on the basis of the assumption that the Issuer will exercise its Optional Redemption Call on the First Optional Redemption Date occurring on 5th November 2015.

Attention: In order to be eligible to make an investment decision with respect to the Notes or to purchase or subscribe the Notes (as defined in the prospectus) issued by ROYAL STREET NV/SA, Institutionele VBS naar Belgisch recht, SIC Institutionelle de droit belge acting for its Compartment RS-2 please note that the Notes may only be acquired and held by holders (Eligible Holders) who qualify both as:

(i) an institutional or professional investors within the meaning of Article 5, §3 of the Belgian Act of 20 July 2004 on certain forms of collective management of investment portfolios (Wet betreffende bepaalde vormen van collectief beheer van beleggingsportefeuilles/Loi relative à certaines formes de gestion collective de portefeuilles d’investissement), acting for their own account; and

(ii) a holder of an exempt securities account (X-Account) with the Clearing System operated by the National Bank of Belgium or (directly or indirectly) with a participant in such system.

The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the U.S. Securities Act) and may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, a U.S. person (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act), except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act.

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